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Code of Conduct

Members, guests and visitors are all reminded that an acceptable standard of behaviour is expected in all areas of the Club and course, at all times. All employees, members, guests, volunteers, visitors and members of the public have the right to be treated with consideration, dignity and respect.
By payment of membership or green fees, all members, guests and visitors are deemed to have given their consent to be bound by both the restrictions and penalties which may be imposed for any breach of the club’s standards set out in this Code of Conduct (“the Code)”. Anyone alleged to be in breach of the Code may be asked to leave the premises by a member of staff or an officer of the Club until such time as the incident can be investigated. Any breach of the Code could also lead to disciplinary action.

Under R&A rule 1.2b as a local rule and as a byelaw of the Club, Hunstanton Golf Club has introduced the following Code.
On the course:
All golfers must:
• Avoid slow play:
▪ apply Ready Golf principles;
▪ allow other golfers to play through if you are losing ground on the game in front or your game is holding up play behind;
▪ wave the following group through when searching for lost balls; and
▪ maintain the speed of play by keeping up with the group in front.
• Adhere to the dress code.
• Adhere to the R&A and local rules of the course.
• Conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner and do not knowingly cheat, disrespect employees, officials or fellow players.
• Demonstrate fair play both on and off the course.
• Show respect to fellow golfers at all times, which includes:
▪ no shouting on the course;
▪ no misuse of equipment; and
▪ no aggressive behaviour.
• Repair pitch marks, replace divots, rake bunkers (leaving the bunker rake at the back of the bunker with the rake head in the bunker and the handle partly outside facing roughly in the direction of play). Sandy waste areas on the 1st, 9th and 18th are not bunkers and do not need to be raked.
• Deposit litter, including cigarette ends and broken tees, in the bins provided or take it home.
• Keep mobile phones switched to silent on the golf course and only use them in an emergency.
• Avoid hitting shots on the practice ground while there are people on the riverside footpath.

Only dogs belonging to members are allowed on the course provided they are on a lead and no one in the playing group objects to their presence. Dogs are not allowed on tees, greens or in bunkers. Owners must clean up after their dogs and use the dog bins by the Club car park or by the footpath crossing the 8th hole to dispose of the mess. Do not use the bins on the course. A member’s right to bring their dog on the course may be terminated at any time. Visitors and members may use assistance dogs in the Club House and on the course

In the Club House:

Members, guests and visitors are reminded that the Code prohibits:
• Any form of bullying, discrimination, harassment, or mental or physical intimidation towards other members, guests, volunteers, visitors, staff or employees.
• The use of foul or abusive language.
• Consumption of excessive quantities of alcohol. Any person intoxicated by alcohol will cease to be served and may be required to leave the premises. Intoxication is not an excuse for unacceptable behaviour.
• Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes, in all buildings and enclosed spaces.
• Possession of, taking or being under the influence of illegal substances. The club will inform the Police of any person found, or suspected, to be in possession of, or dealing in, illicit drugs.
Members, guests and visitors should adhere to the dress code in the Club House.
Mobile or electronic devices should be on silent in the Club House or close to the 1st tee and 18th Green. Be considerate towards others when using your mobile phone in the club house. Calls should only be conducted out of earshot of other members, guests and visitors.
Whilst acknowledging that lively conversation contributes to a healthy atmosphere amongst members, the Code is designed to safeguard others from offensive banter or intimidation.

In dealings with the Club:

Members must:
• Treat the management, staff and employees of the Club in a respectful and professional manner in all their dealings whether written or oral.
• Recognise that many of our staff are also themselves members of the Club. Our staff may be at the Club either as members or as employees and members should treat them accordingly.
• Never directly reprimand or abuse any member of staff, club official or volunteer. Matters concerning the performance of staff, officials or volunteers must be raised with the Club Secretary or the Captain in writing.
• Not make postings on social media platforms that could be injurious to the Club, its staff or its members.

Reporting complaints

It is in the best interests of the game that breaches of the Code are reported and all players, members and members of the public are encouraged to report such behaviour.
Complaints may be made by any person including a competitor, member, guest, visitor, other associated golf club members, and members of the public.
A complaint should be made in the first instance to either the General Manager, Club Captain or member of the Board as soon as possible and in any event within three working days of the matter occurring. It must then be followed up in writing in accordance with an agreed timeframe.


There is no penalty under the Rules of Golf for failing to act in accordance with the Code on the course, except that the Committee may disqualify a player for acting contrary to the spirit of the game if it finds that a player has committed a serious misconduct.
However, in adopting the Code as a local rule and byelaw, Hunstanton Golf Club may impose penalties under its disciplinary procedure.